Henry Herbert Tailors work hard for our customers. The service is as important as the bespoke suits and bespoke shirts we make. We are a small firm and will do anything we can, however big or small, for our customers. Without our customers, we would not have a tailoring company. We have worked hard to build a loyal base of customers. However, we never rest on our laurels and are always seeking to improve the service we offer customers. But it is a competitive and confusing marketplace for customers and often knowing where to start can be bewildering. And so why should a customer choose Henry Herbert, over another firm.
Made in England+
We make everything in the United Kingdom, supporting British mills, British tailors, British apprentices and at the end of the day……the British government (paying a huge amount each year in every tax you can name!). It is important to us that we support this fragile British industry. Although it is an expensive way to create British bespoke tailoring, by investing and supporting it now, we are hoping to help secure its future.
Investing for the future+
We are constantly investing in both our product, our service, our tailors and our members of staff. Each year, we pay for one apprentice to be schooled in tailoring and sewing skills, fully paid for by Henry Herbert. We do this to build a future generation of tailors and because we have faith that what we do is the right way. We are constantly searching to improve things too. If ever there is something you think we could do better, or something you don’t quite like, please email us at
henry@henryherbert.com. Criticism is the only thing that will make us better.
The Henry Herbert service. Naturally the standard of the bespoke suits and shirts we make is paramount. We use the finest materials and the finest tailors to achieve this. However, our service is just as important as the product. And that is why we will do anything we can, however big or small, to help every customer in any way we can. We have a fleet of custom built Vespa’s, which means that we can always come to the customer, at no charge at all, day or night, to meet customers around the clock at their convenience. To find out more about the Henry Herbset scooter service,
click here.
House Style+
The Henry Herbert House style. Many customers ask us what the ‘House style’ is of Henry Herbert. We believe, that true to the word ‘bespoke’, it is not up to us, but up to the customer, to tell us what they want. Not what we want them to have. As a result, we can cater for any cut, cloth and style that a customer may want. However, we do of course have our preferences and would describe our cut as slim trousers with tapered finish at the bottoms and a traditional length of English cut jacket with a finely tailored silhouette on the sides to give an hour glass finish to the suit.
The Materials+
Remember, it is not all about the tailoring company, the cut or the service. Just as importantly, it is where the materials come from. Henry Herbert chooses all of our cloths from the most reputable mills in the country – including Dormeuil, Holland & Sherry, Scabal, Dugdales, Harrison’s, Hardy Minnis and many more. We are also proud to support the ‘
Pick Your Cotton Carefully’ campaign, ensuring that every fibre we used has come from an ethically courced manufacturing process. More about the cloths Henry Herbert uses can be
found here.
Henry Herbert tailors work to the highest standards of Savile Row. Everything we make is British made, all our bespoke suits and shirts are cut from an individual paper pattern, we employ at least one salaried apprentice tailor at any given time, each suit takes some 30-50 hours to complete from start to finish, each tailor provides expert cloth consultation with a choice of a least 2,000 fabrics, we retain full customer records and order details and we provide first-class after care for garments, including sponging, pressing, repairs and button matching. We will even come to the customer to do this. These are the foundations laid down by the
Savile Row Bespoke Association and criteria we work hard to meet, each and every day.
Embracing the customer choice+
As bespoke tailors, we believe the customer should be able to be the architect of their bespoke suit or shirt. Although we all have our individual preferences and choices, we are here to help steward the customer through the labyrinth of options to make sure they arrive at a suit or shirt they are happy with. This is perfected over a number of weeks, through consultations, fittings and our tailoring skills to ensure it is their bespoke suit – not ours.
The Henry Herbert promise+
Every customer has different requirements and demands. From the smallest request to the biggest, we meet every request we can and if we say we can do it, we will. This is the Henry Herbert promise. If you need a suit making in our
Express service and we say we can do it, we will. If you need us to meet you at the top of a skyscraper because you are an architect on a building site, we will. And we have. And if you need us to make the occasion that little bit extra special for someone we will. The Henry Herbert way is held in high regard across the industry, but it is only through sheer hard work that we are always able to deliver on our promises to our customers.
Savile Row by Scooter service+
Why, we thought, should the customer have to go to the tailor during unhelpful hours (normally Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm), when the tailor could and should be prepared to go to the customer – any day, anytime and anyplace. And so Henry Herbert Tailors and our Savile Row by Scooter service was born – using a custom built fleet of Vespa scooters, using full trained tailors, to meet customers around the clock. All you have to do is
book online.
But just who is Henry Herbert? Henry Herbert was once master of the royal wardrobe to both King Charles I and King Charles II and the name was resurrected in order to continue the tradition of fine English tailoring, at affordable prices.
But Don’t Ask Us! Ask Them+